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English Grammar Step by Step


     UNIT 28 - The key

1 a They're always saying... b If you would kindly hold... c I nearly put... d I have never had... e She no longer loves him

2 a This car is still reliable b I really don't know... c She surely won't come d They're certainly not naīve e She still can't beat...

3 a ...I haven't written to her yet/I haven't yet written to her... b You still haven't... c ...I haven't visited the Eiffel Tower yet.../I haven't yet visited the... d I still haven't had time to visit... e Is he still studying?

4 a Are they already here/Are they here already? b Are they here yet? c You've already eaten your supper/You've eaten your supper already d Have you already told her/Have you told her already? e Have you fed the cat yet/Have you yet fed the cat?

5 a I owe my sister a hundred dollars/I owe a hundred dollars to my sister b I made it for you c He'll find them a free seat/He'll find a free seat for them d You stole this workbook from Clive e She bought it for you

6 a Everything happened late at night last night b She taught me Arabic/Arabic to me at this school a long time ago c She was walking home slowly d You're working very slowly today e They reported it to the police yesterday/Yesterday they reported it to the police

7 a We seldom see each other now/Now we seldom see each other b Personally, I think that unemployment will grow over the next few months/Personally, I think that over the next few months unemployment will grow c He talks to her in the pub round the corner from time to time/From time to time(,) he talks to her in the pub round the corner d She often sits cross-leg on the ground e They sometimes watch this television programme on Fridays/Sometimes they watch this television programme on Fridays/On Fridays(,) they sometimes watch this television programme/On Fridays(,) they watch this television programme sometimes f This pullover has already gone at the elbows/This pullover has gone at the elbows already g She was not properly dressed/dressed properly for the occasion h A burglar broke into the house on Tuesday morning/On Tuesday morning(,) a burglar broke into the house i I definitely won't go to the opera tonight/Tonight I definitely won't go to the opera j You can see the whole valley from the top of the mountain in a clear day/In a clear day, you can see the whole valley from the top of the mountain/From the top of the mountain, you can see the whole valley in a clear day k I want to send the report on Monday evening at the latest l The house was built by my grandfather with granite blocks in 1950 m She read me some passages of the book that I like most on Thursday morning/On Thursday morning(,) she read me some passages of the book that I like most n She read some passages of the book to the girl who was sitting next to her on the bus/On the bus, she read some passages of the book to the girl who was sitting next to her o They declined my invitation two days ago by saying that they had an important meeting that very same day at that very same time/at that very same time that very same day (problably less usual that the other alternative)/Two days ago, they declined... p Her parents bought her a sports car/a sports car for her two days ago/Two days ago(,) her parents bought her a sports car/a sports car for her q We can come tomorrow afternoon at the very earliest r They don't very often watch sports programmes on TV/They don't watch sports programmes on TV very often s This book was bound in leather by my great-gandfather in a small workshop in 1910/In 1910(,) this book was bound in leather by my great-grandfather in a small workshop t She'll probably be at home now/Probably she'll be at home now/Now(,) she'll probably be at home u She will probably not/She probably will not rub any sun cream on her body tomorrow/Tomorrow she will probably not/she probably will not rub any sun cream on her body/Probably she will not rub any sun cream on her body tomorrow v Are you already going home/Are you going home already? w We generally take a short cut to get here every day/We generally take a short cut every day to get here/Every day we generally take a short cut to get here x "Has your father got up yet?" "Not yet. He told me to wake him up at ten o'clock and it is still half past nine" y When he saw her she was walking to and fro worriedly z They have still not/They still have not found a cure for this illness

Author: Miquel Molina i Diez
Pages: 1 and the key

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1  Negative and interrogative sentences (Page 2 and the key)

2  Short answers (Page 2 and the key)

3  Question tags (Page 2 and the key)

4  Questions and exclamations (Page 2 and the key)

5  So, neither, nor, either (the key)

6  Be, used to, would, be/get/become used to, dare, have, get, become, grow, go, turn, fall and feel (Page 2 and the key)

7  Verb tenses: forms (Page 2 and the key)

8  Irregular verbs

9  Verb tenses: uses (Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5 and the key)

10 Personal pronouns, possessives and reflexive pronouns (Page 2 and the key)

11 The genitive case (the key)

12 Singular and plural nouns (Page 2 and the key)

13 Gender (the key)

14 A, an, some, any, no, not, none, each, every and the; compounds of some, any, no and every (Page 2, Page 3 and the key)

15 Neither, not...either, none, not...any, both and all (the key)

16 A few, few, a lot, lots, a little, little, many, much, no and plenty (the key)

17 Enough, too, so and such (the key)

18 Comparative and superlative sentences (Page 2 and the key)

19 Adjective order (the key)

20 Relative clauses (Page 2 and the key)

21 Do and make (the key)

22 Modal verbs (Page 2, Page 3 and the key)

23 Infinitives, gerunds and present participles (Page 2 and the key)

24 Conditional sentences (Page 2 and the key)

25 Passive sentences (the key)

26 Reported speech (Page 2 and the key)

27 Purpose (the key)

28 Word order (the key)

29 Inversion (the key)

30 Connectors (Page 2 and the key)

31 Prepositions (Page 2, Page 3 and the key)

32 Phrasal verbs (the key)

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