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Gramática inglesa gratuita (Básico » Medio)


UNIDAD 2 - Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where1


Los compuestos de some y any actúan de la misma manera que estos, es decir, some-, para la afirmativa y, any-, para la interrogativa y la negativa, aunque empleamos some- en la interrogativa para peticiones, ofrecimientos o cuando esperamos una respuesta afirmativa, como ya dijimos en la unidad anterior. Ejemplos:

I saw somebody there. (Vi a alguien allí.)

I did not see anybody there. (No vi a nadie allí.)

Did you see anybody there? (¿Viste a alguien allí?)

Would you like something better? (¿Quiere algo mejor?)


En vez de I did not see anybody there, también se puede decir I saw nobody there. Lo que no se puede hacer es negar dos veces: *I did not see nobody there.


Da lo mismo decir somebody que someone, anybody que anyone, nobody que no-one. No-one se puede escribir también no one.


Any también puede significar "cualquier(a)":

You can take any pencil. (Puedes coger cualquier lápiz / Puedes coger el lapiz que quieras.)

Anybody can do it. It's very easy. (Cualquiera sabe hacerlo. Es muy fácil.)


Ya para terminar, véamos los siguientes ejemplos:

Somebody told me you were abroad. (Alguien me dijo que estabas en el extranjero.)

Nobody came to the meeting. (Nadie fue a la reunión.)

Was there anybody in the house? (¿Había alguien en la casa?)

I want something to eat. (Quiero algo de comer.)

I don't need anything. (No necesito nada.)

I need nothing. (No necesito nada.)

Would you like something to drink? (¿Quieres algo de beber?)

Is there anything in that drawer? (¿Hay algo en ese cajón?)

I want to go somewhere else. (Quiero ir a otro sitio.)

I didn't go anywhere. (No fui a ningún sitio.)

I went nowhere. (No fui a ningún sitio.)

Have you seen my car keys anywhere? (¿Has visto las llaves del coche en alguna parte?)



  Rellene los espacios en blanco con somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing, somewhere, anywhere o nowhere.

  1.  I know __________ about this issue that you may find interesting, but if I tell you, you must promise to keep it (a) secret.

  2.  __________ lives here. There is no water.

  3.  I spent the night __________ near the beach.

  4.  __________ could have jumped over this wall, and stole your rake. It's very low.

  5.  __________ scares him. He's very brave.

  6.  There is __________ to park here. Let's go __________ else to park.

  7.  Would you like __________ to wash your hands?.

  8.  May I have __________ for dessert, please?

  9.  They took him __________ in London, and he never returned.

 10.  Please don't leave __________ behind at home. We'll be away for a fortnight.

 11.  She needs __________ to love. She's very lonely.

 12.  They will not sing __________ in this city. They said that they would never come back.

 13.  There isn't __________ you can do to help them. __________ can help them.

 14.  We do not need __________ else to run this department. We can do it ourselves.

 15.  __________ is ringing the bell. Go and see who it is.

 16.  __________ phoned while we were out, but they did not leave a message.

 17.  __________ tells me that there is __________ fishy going on.

 18.  They are looking for __________ to settle down and have children. They want to find a quiet place to lead a quiet life.

 19.  "Where would you like to stay?"

       "__________ will do provided it is a clean place."

 20.  "Is there __________ at home?"

       "I don't think there is __________. Mum and dad must have gone out."


Autor: Miquel Molina i Diez
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