Please note that an asterisk (*) has been used above to indicate American English.
You can use dark and light to modify the colours:
Her car is light blue. (blau clar; azul claro)
She bought a dark green cardigan. (verd obscur; verde oscuro)
You may like to receive a pdf file with the materials listed below to study offline.
1. Answer the following questions (beginners)
2. Make questions for the answers given (beginners)
3. Assorted exercises for beginners
4. Negative and interrogative sentences (intermediate level)
5. Some, any and every; some, any, every + -body / -one, -thing and -where (intermediate level)
6. Nationality Words
7. Useful sentences for restaurants in English and Catalan
8. Useful sentences for restaurants in English and Castilian
The key to the exercises
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