English Grammar for Beginners:
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English Grammar Step by Step:
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• Unit 6: Be, used to, would, be/get/become used to, dare, have, get, become, grow, go, turn, fall and feel
• Unit 14: A, an, some, any, no, not, none, each, every and the; compounds of some, any, no and every
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Do not enter contracted forms in the search box, or you will obtain no results. We also recommend using single words instead of phrases. For example, if you search for present simple, your query will produce no results, but simple present will. Phrases are taken as a whole, which can be useful, but tricky.
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» Advanced (English Grammar Step by Step - Available in English only)
1. A, an, some, any, no, not, none, each, every and the; compounds of some, any, no and every (somebody / someone, anybody / anyone, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere, nobody / no one / no-one, nothing, nowhere, everything, everybody, everywhere) - Unit 14
2. Adjective order - Unit 19
3. A few, few, a lot, lots, a little, little, many, much, no and plenty - Unit 16
4. As if / as though - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 59
5. Barely, hardly, neither, never, nobody, scarcely, seldom... - Unit 3, section 11
6. Barely, hardly, neither, never, nobody, scarcely, seldom... - Unit 5, section 3
7. Any with words that have a negative meaning - Unit 14, section 9
8. Be going to - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 9
9. Be (present) - Negative and interrogative sentences, section 2
10. Be (past) - Negative and interrogative sentences, section 9
11. Be (present) - Short answers, section 3
12. Be (past) - Short answers, section 8
13. Be (present) - Question tags, sections 2 and 3
14. Be (past) - Question tags, section 10
15. Be (am, is, are, was, were, been, being, be to, be about to, be bound to, be going to, there is, there are, there was, there were), used to, would, be / get / become used to, dare (dare say / daresay), have (have got, has, had, do not have, having, have / get something done, have someone do something, get someone to do something, had better), get, become, grow, go, turn, fall and feel - Unit 6
16. Can - Negative and interrogative sentences, section 1
17. Can, could - Negative and interrogative sentences, section 15
18. Can - Short answers, section 1
19. Can, could, may, might - Short answers, section 15
20. Can - Question tags, section 1
21. Could - Question tags, section 19
22. Can, could, be able to, was / were able to, managed to, succeeded in, may, might, be allowed to, was / were allowed to, cannot, may not, must, must not, have to, will have to, had to, do not have to / do not need to, need not, need not have + past participle, did not need to / did not have to, should, ought to, cannot / could not have + past participle, shall... - Modal verbs, unit 22
23. Comparative and superlative sentences: er, the...est, than, in, of, on, bad, badly, worse, the worst, far, further / farther, the furthest / the farthest, good, well, better, the best, little, less, the least, few, fewer, the fewest, many, much, more, the most, elder, the eldest, as...as, so...as, as much as, as many as, double comparatives, the + a comparative, the same - Unit 18
24. Conditional tenses - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 14
25. Conditional verbs - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 42
26. Conditional verbs, special cases - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 60
27. Conditional sentences: if, whether, whenever, as / so long as, but for, on condition (that), provided / providing (that), suppose / supposing (that), unless, if...why, if you like, if you would like, in case, or (else), either...or, and - Unit 24
28. Connectors: although, though, even though, even if, in spite of, despite, but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, all the same, yet, still, even so, no matter how, much as / though, notwithstanding, for all that, also, besides, in addition (to), and what is more, on top of that, on the one hand, on the other hand, so, therefore, consequently, for this reason, as a result, as a consequence, in consequence, thus, hence, with the result / consequence, as, since, because, for, because of, on account of, owing to, due to, seeing (that / as), thanks to, the reason (why / that), through, in my opinion, to my mind, in my view, to me, to my way of thinking, as far as I am concerned, if you ask me, from my point of view, from my viewpoint, as I see it, the way I see it, personally, for my part, as far as I know, as far as I am aware, to (the best of) my knowledge, for all I know, taking everything into account / consideration, taking account of everything, all in all, briefly, in brief, in conclusion, in short, (to put it) in a nutshell, summarising, summing up, to sum up, after all, finally, lastly, next, then, first of all, in the end, last of all, to begin / start with, for a start, to finish with, to conclude with, etc. (et cetera), and so on / forth, and so on and so forth, and / or whatever (else), and whatnot, and what have you, for example, for instance, such as, like, as a case in point, and the like, and such like, apart from, except for, needless to say, it goes without saying, let alone, to say nothing of, not to mention, to put it another way, that is, in other words, I mean, on the whole, by and large, broadly speaking, generally speaking, in general, above all (else), first and foremost, in (actual) fact, in point of fact, as a matter of fact, actually, in connection with, as regards, regarding, in regard to, with regard to, as for, as to, apropos (of), in this regard, in this connection, on this score, in this respect, on this matter, on this subject - Unit 30
29. Defining, non-defining and co-ordinating / connective relative clauses and cleft sentences: that, which, who, whom, whose, of which, where, when, why, what, present participles (-ing), infinitives - Unit 20
30. Do and make - Unit 21
31. Enough, too, too much, too many, so, so much, so many and such - Unit 17
32. Gender: masculine and feminine nouns - Unit 13
33. Have got, has got - Negative and interrogative sentences, section 3
34. Have got, has got - Short answers, section 2
35. Have got, has got - Question tags, section 4
36. Imperatives - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 54
37. Infinitives, gerunds (-ing) and present participles (-ing) - Unit 23
38. Infinitives and -ing forms - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 69
39. Inversion: under / in no circumstances, at no time, rarely, never, neither, nor, only, well, little, so, such, many, many a time, hardly, scarcely, barely, no sooner, not only, should I, were I, had I, be, up, down, off... - Unit 29
40. Irregular verbs - Unit 8
41. I wish, if only, I would rather / sooner, it is (high / about) time - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 55-57
42. May, might - Negative and interrogative sentences, sections 13 and 14
43. Neither, not...either, none, not...any, both and all - Unit 15
44. Passive sentences: direct and indirect objects, the agent, infinitives and gerunds (-ing), it is said he... / he is said to..., should, have / get something done - Unit 25
45. Passive verbs - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 61
46. Personal pronouns, possessives and reflexive pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, us, them, my, your, his, its, our, their, mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs, myself, yourself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, each other, one another - Unit 10
47. Phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs and phrasal-prepositonal verbs - Unit 32
48. Prepositions: in, on, at, during, by, for, since, within, towards, over, throughout, all through, inside, past, to, around, round, about, after, before, beyond, until, till, up to, as from / of, between, against, upon, into, onto, ahead, down, up, along, across, through, away from, via, under, outside, beneath, above, below, underneath, out, off, in front of, behind, opposite, close to, near, far from, next to, beside, alongside, with, in favour of, for, among(st), without, plus, minus - Unit 31
49. Purpose: to, in order to, so as to, so as not to, in order not to, so that, in order that, for, in case, lest, should, to prevent, to avoid - Unit 27
50. Questions and exclamations: yes-no questions and wh-questions (what, which, who, whom, where, when, what time, what...like, why, whose, ever, how, how much, how many, how far, how long...) - Unit 4
51. Reported speech: now, then, today, that day, tomorrow, the following / next day, yesterday, the day before / the previous day..., say, tell, ask, what to know..., if, whether, imperatives, questions - Unit 26
52. Shall + infinitive - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 51 and 52
53. Singular and plural nouns: regular plurals, irregular plurals, Latin, Greek and French plurals - Unit 12
54. So, neither, nor, either - Unit 5
55. The genitive case or the possessive case or the Saxon genitive and the of-construction - Unit 11
56. The future continuous (or progressive) tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 11
57. The future perfect continuous (or progressive) tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 13
58. The future perfect simple tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 12
59. The future simple tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 10
60. The past continuous (or progressive) tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 4
61. The past perfect continuous (or progressive) tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 8
62. The past perfect simple tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 7
63. The present continuous (or progressive) tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 2
64. The present perfect continuous (or progressive) tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 6
65. The present perfect simple tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 5
66. The simple past tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 3
67. The simple present tense - Verb tenses: forms, unit 7, part 1
68. The simple present and the present continuous - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 1-12
69. The simple past and the past continuous - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 13
70. The present perfect simple and the simple past - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 15-27
71. The present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 28-32
72. The past perfect simple and the past perfect continuous - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 34 and 35
73. The present continuous, be going to + infinitive and will + infinitive - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 37-50
74. The future continuous (or progressive) - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, sections 63-65
75. The future perfect simple and the future perfect continuous - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 67
76. The past forms of will and shall: would and should - Verb tenses: uses, unit 9, section 71
77. Word order: also, usually, often, never, still, yet, already, too, as well, no longer, not...any more / longer, probably, definitely, certainly, direct and indirect objects, to, for, manner, time, company, agent, place, instrument, point of view, complement - Unit 28
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