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Author: rachid50 | Published: 08-12-2010 | Times seen: 1073740 | Category: English Grammar: Beginners


Help with nouns


Did these sentenses are correct?

- That country is (a) beautiful.
- I use (a) Pliers for fix things.

Thnaks mike

too bad you are busy i tired used tranlator i need u to help me step by step i feel i will learn English when i will be 150 years old

I have solution Mike , I wnat to start with your unit 1 ; verb "To be" I will wriote u what i know and u give me some execerices and do it and u correct me , it will good fo me to know that , i hope u understand what i wrote it look like i wrote in japanais

your student Sofiane


Author: Vivian | Published: 10-12-2010 | Times seen: 1073696 | Category: English Grammar: Beginners


Re: [rachid50] Help with nouns


Hi, Sofiane!I also learn English. We can say the 1st sentence: That is a beautiful country. The 2nd sentence: I use a plier to fix things. I use the English dictionary to help with my learning. Helpful.


Author: Mike | Published: 27-12-2010 | Times seen: 1073502 | Category: English Grammar: Beginners


Re: [rachid50] Help with nouns


Hello, Sofiane!

I think you will find the following section useful: http://www.polseguera.org/basic_english_grammar/definite_and_indefinite_article.php

The correct answers are That country is beautiful and I use some pliers to fix things (or I use a pair of pliers to fix things). Note that "beautiful" is an adjective, so it does not take "a". Pliers is a plural noun, so "some" is used. More information at http://www.polseguera.org/advanced_english_grammar/singular_plural_nouns1.php#return17

Note the following:
There is some milk left.
There is a glass of milk left.
I want to buy some jeans.
I want to buy a pair of jeans.

Best regards,



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