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Gramàtica anglesa per a principiants: • Índex
Gramàtica anglesa de nivell mitjà: • Matèries
English Grammar Step by Step: • Contents
• Notes
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Some, any i every; some, any, every + -body / -one, -thing i -where (nivell mitjà)


A  Some s'utilitza en oracions afirmatives: I want some sugar. També en oracions interrogatives que siguen peticions o oferiments, o quan esperem una resposta afirmativa:
      Would you like some tea?
      May I have some coffee?
      Are there some mice? I think I've just seen one.


B  Any s'usa en oracions interrogatives que no siguen del tipus que acabem d'esmentar més amunt: Did you sell any onions? També, en oracions negatives o amb el significat de 'qualsevol' (o 'qualssevol'):
      I don't want any milk.
      You can take any lighter you like.


C  Fixat amb aquest quadre:

noms contables noms incontables
singular: a o an*
plural: some / any
 some / any
*Si la paraula següent comença per so vocàlic, cal emprar an; però si és consonàntic, a. Exemples: a cat , an apple.


D  Els compostos de some i any actuaran de la mateixa manera:
      I have seen somebody.
      Have you seen anybody?
      I have not seen anybody.


E  Mai no farem servir dues negacions alhora:
      I saw nothing.
      I did not see anything.
      *I did not see nothing
no es pot dir.


F  Si l'oració té un sentit general es construeix sense some o any:
      I don't like meat.
      They love fast cars.
      Fruit is very good for the human body.


G  Every significa 'cada' o 'tots':
      I go there every day.
      Everybody enjoyed the party.
      Everything went wrong.
      She has been everywhere in the world.




1   Posa some, any, a o an, si cal, en les oracions següents:

a   There isn't __________ butter, but there's __________ cheese.
b   __________ milk is white.
c   May I have __________ apple juice?
d   'Is there __________ water left?' 'No, there isn't.'
e   Would you like __________ of these oranges?
f   There are __________ men, but there aren't __________ women.
g   Would you like __________ banana?
h   Could I have __________ sugar?
i   We haven't got __________ rice.
j   I'd like to have __________ apricot, but there aren't __________.
k   __________ dolphins are very intelligent.
l   I hate __________ skirts.


2   Posa somebody, anybody, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere, nobody, nothing, nowhere, every, everything, everybody, everywhere, some, any, a o an en les oracions següents:

a   The police were looking for him, but he was __________ to be found.
b   __________ guests did not come to the party.
c   They treat me very well __________ time I visit them.
d   __________loves me. I feel very miserable.
e   I want to buy __________ bread, but the baker hasn't got __________.
f   He is beloved by __________ in the village. He's always trying to help people.
g   I saw __________ at the window a moment ago. There must be __________ in the house.
h   He doesn't know __________ about cars.
i   I don't think there is __________ who can drive a lorry.
j   I have looked __________ in the house, but I haven't seen your wallet.
k   Although I was very thirsty, she gave me __________ to drink.
l   Waiter! There is __________ gnat in my soup.
m   I'd like to go __________ else.
n   I'm not hungry, so I'll eat __________.
o   Could you take me __________ nice this weekend?
p   May I have __________ to eat? I'm very hungry.
q   Would you like to go __________ else? I can take you __________.
r   Would you please stop criticising __________ I do once and for all?
s   My husband is having __________ operation next week.
t   'Have you got __________ we need?'
    'Yes, I think so. I haven't left __________ behind.'
    'I hope so. The last time we went for a picnic, you forgot to bring several things with you.'
u   As you can see, I have __________ in my pockets. They're empty.
v   __________ can do it; it is as easy as winking.
w   'Where are you going this weekend?'
    '__________. I'm staying at home.'
x    __________ she does is a piece of art. She's __________ excellent artist.
y    __________ idiot is __________ stupid.
z   __________ but you did well in the exam. You are __________ very good student.
Autor: Miquel Molina i Diez
Polsa ací per a veure les respostes


Potser t'interessarà rebre un arxiu pdf amb el material mostrat davall perquè pugues estudiar sempre que vulgues.

1. Contesta les preguntes següents (principiants)

2. Fes preguntes per a les següents respostes (principiants)

3. Exercicis variats per a principiants

4. Oracions negatives i interrogatives (nivell mitjà)

5. Some, any and every; some, any, every + -body / -one, -thing i -where (nivell mitjà)

6. Paraules que fan referència a la nacionalitat

7. Oracions per a restaurants

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