Tests per a aprendre anglès
Hi ha tres categories: principiants/bàsic, mitjà i avançat. Cada test es troba sota un d'aquests tres nivells, i conté almenys deu preguntes. Reps un punt per resposta correcta.
A mesura que passe el temps, s'hi afegiran més exàmens. També potser s'ampliaran alguns dels existents.
Títol i descripció | Preguntes | Vegades fet |
Categoria: Principiants |
Categoria: Mitjà |
16 | 65 |
Revision, Hotchpotch
11 | 17 |
Modal Verbs
11 | 5995 |
Infinitives and -ing forms
10 | 470 |
Word Order
10 | 116 |
Indirect Speech
10 | 179 |
Relative clauses: who, whom, that, which, whose, where
10 | 4243 |
Few, a lot, little, much, many, no, plenty
10 | 1342 |
Enough, too, so, such
10 | 7608 |
Neither, either, none, any, both, all
10 | 16341 |
The Saxon genitive
10 | 819 |
So, neither, nor, either
10 | 1384 |
Antonyms, Opposites
The opposite of ... is ... |
17 | 183 |
Comparative and Superlative Sentences
10 | 330 |
Singular and Plural Nouns
Which one is not correct? |
11 | 4776 |
10 | 288 |
Find the odd man out
17 | 62 |
Expressions, Idioms
22 | 166 |
Used to, be used to, get/become used to and would
10 | 3592 |
I wish and if only
10 | 3010 |
Question Tags
12 | 211 |
Passive Sentences
10 | 259 |
The Present Continuous, the Future Simple, the Future Continuous and Be Going to
10 | 330 |
Conditional Sentences
10 | 231 |
Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and Determiners
11 | 100 |
The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous, the Past Perfect Simple and Continuous, and the Past Simple and Continuous
10 | 256 |
The Simple Past and the Present Perfect
10 | 215 |
The Simple Past and the Past Continuous (or Progressive)
10 | 91 |
The Simple Present and the Present Continuous or Progressive
10 | 99 |
Personal Pronouns and Possessives
10 | 169 |
Categoria: Avançat |
Nombre total d'exàmens: 30