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Gramàtica anglesa per a principiants: • Índex
Gramàtica anglesa de nivell mitjà: • Matèries
English Grammar Step by Step: • Contents
• Notes
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Tests per a aprendre anglès


Hi ha tres categories: principiants/bàsic, mitjà i avançat. Cada test es troba sota un d'aquests tres nivells, i conté almenys deu preguntes. Reps un punt per resposta correcta.

A mesura que passe el temps, s'hi afegiran més exàmens. També potser s'ampliaran alguns dels existents.

Títol i descripcióPreguntesVegades fet
Categoria: Principiants
Categoria: Mitjà
Passive Sentences 10259
The Present Continuous, the Future Simple, the Future Continuous and Be Going to 10330
Conditional Sentences 10231
Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and Determiners 11100
The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous, the Past Perfect Simple and Continuous, and the Past Simple and Continuous 10256
The Simple Past and the Present Perfect 10215
The Simple Past and the Past Continuous (or Progressive) 1091
The Simple Present and the Present Continuous or Progressive 1099
Personal Pronouns and Possessives 10169
Categoria: Avançat
Vocabulary 1038
Revision, Hotchpotch 1019
Modal Verbs 1212709
Infinitives, Gerunds and Present Participles 10242
Reported Speech 10459
Purpose 1064
Relative Clauses 10215
The Adjective Order 101956
One of the sentences given has a different meaning. Which one is it? 14132
Inversion 104456
Connectors 10196
Phrasal and Prepositional Verbs 10172
Prepositions 104183
I wish, if only, would rather/sooner and it is time 101335
Passive Sentences 10158
Determiners, Pronouns, Adjectives and Adverbs 10146
Personal Pronouns, Possessives and Reflexive Pronouns 101470
Verbs 19250
Nombre total d'exàmens: 77

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